verifiedTo Be Awarded
Queen Scout
Scouts Australia
I have successfully completed the required work to receieve my Queen Scout award, the highest achievement in the Venturer Scouts section and am awaiting the awarding ceremony.
The Realone project was completed as part of my Certificate III in Information Technology. The project was to redesign the website to improve a number of given issues based on the original site.
Summit Adventures is a client focused ecommerce website designed and created as part of my Certificate III in Information Technology. The site was constructed from scratch to achieve a number of predetermined criteria.
This Portfolio was created to showcase my skills and abilities. Using a number of base technologies I aimed to create a place where I can add skills, projects and experience over time to reflect on my journey.
I am striving to take advantage of the numerous opportunities presented to me, dedicating time and energy to enhancing my abilities, understanding, and well-being. I am working to earn several Australian Recognised Qualifications, including Certificate III's, and to gain the globally recognised Queen Scout award as part of my long-term dedication to the Scouting organisation in Australia. I am now furthering my education by pursuing a degree in computer science.
verifiedTo Be Awarded
Scouts Australia
I have successfully completed the required work to receieve my Queen Scout award, the highest achievement in the Venturer Scouts section and am awaiting the awarding ceremony.
in Information Technology
I was awarded my Certificate III in Information Technology in November of 2022, which completed my AQF-3 qualifications.
pendingIn Progress
in Business
Completion of the Queen Scout is grounds for submission to be awarded via RPL the Certificate III in Business.